Promoting peace-building, reconciliation, cohesion, and integration among Students in institutions of higher learning in Kenya and the wider society.
Student Peace and security
Student Leadership &
Democratic Governance
Equipping the students with essential skills and enhancing the capacity of student leaders to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, navigate life challenges peacefully, and become responsible leaders.
Student Economic
Establishing / Promoting sustainable economic empowerment programs in institutions of higher learning and the wider society, to foster an entrepreneurial,Innovation culture and mindset change among people.
Student Environment &
Climate Action
Initiating, lobbying, and advocating for policy, legal, and administrative reforms on climate-related issues, mobilizing resources for action, including afforestation and tree planting as a strategic entry point for environmental action and change.
Career Guidance Research
& Innovation
Guiding students on relevant courses to go before joining institutions of higher learning. To conduct in-depth research and nurture innovation on issues concerning student affairs and advocate/ lobby for the implementation of evidence-based recommendations to relevant authorities, empowering them to take effective action and address the identified challenges.
Mental Health, Drug
and Substance Abuse
Addressing mental health, drug, and substance abuse through prevention, education, Counselling , integration, advocacy,Sensitization and research.
Strategic Partnership &
Organizational Development
Building UCSPAK as a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable student umbrella association with strategic partners to fulfill its mandate, vision, mission, and strategic objectives.