In an effort to end the scourge of debilitating cycle of electoral violence and forge national cohesion, UCSPAK through the support of the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) partnered with three Institutions, the Ministry of Education (MOE), National Cohesion Integration Commission and Independent (NCIC) and Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to develop a program titled promoting the role of students in peaceful election before, during and after the 2022 general election in Kenya. The activities of this program were proposed by students leaders, reviewed by Kenya University Dean of Students Association (KUDSA) and approved by the Vice Chancellors Committee
The first National Student Convention on Youth, peace and election
From 1st to 3rd September, 2021 UCSPAK organised for the first National Student Convention on Youth, peace and election at the University of Nairobi. The objective of this convention was to validate and consolidate activities to be implemented in the upcoming 2022 general election. This convention was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Saferworld.
Group Photos
Chief guest to this event was the Cabinet Secretary for Information Communication Technology (ICT), Innovation and Youth Affairs, Joe Mucheru, EGH, MBS
The United Nations Resident Coordinator, Dr. Stephen Jackson
Chief guest to this even was the Cabinet Secretary for Information Communication Technology (ICT) Innovation and Youth Affairs, Joe Mucheru, EGH, MBS
The Chairman, Ethic and Anti Corruption Commission, His Grace RTD, Arch Bishop Dr. Eliud Wabukala